newsletter - issue 2 - December 2016
SHARMED is an action-research project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), in partnership with the University of Suffolk (UK) and the Frederich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany). With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive dialogic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background.
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Several training courses...


We are pleased to announce...


An ancient and beautiful room...


The study recently conducted...




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SHARMED Teacher Training Courses

Several training courses with a common concept based on SHARMED methodology have been held in Italy, UK and Germany in the past weeks by SHARMED partners to support teachers with their task in multicultural classrooms through dialogic facilitation techniques.
SHARMED course in Italy
In Italy the training course took place in Modena last September, involving over 30 teachers of the partner schools Cittadella, Gramsci, Marconi e Calvino. In the current school year, the trained teachers will apply into practice the dialogical facilitation method, by sharing photos and memories among students to discover diversity of cultural identities as an enrichment.
SHARMED courses in Germany
Two trainings have been organised in Germany for teachers participating in SHARMED: one in Jena, Thuringia, (Nov. 4) and the other in Stendal, Saxonia-Anhalt (Nov. 7). Both events lasted for one day and were completed by around 9 participants each. Our hosts, Dr. Luisa Conti from the University Friedrich-Schiller in Jena and Dr. Vittorio Iervese from University of Modena e Reggio Emilia in Italy, who could join us thanks to online video broadcasting, were very satisfied with the positive feedback they received from the participants. The teachers were given theoretical input on different aspects linked to dialogical facilitation as an alternative form to traditional teaching and were trained to observe the influence of actions and pedagogical settings on the development of the students’ agency. In this way they went through preparation for their upcoming role as observers: next spring our facilitators will lead four sessions with a similar concept with students in these teachers’ classrooms. To do so we were able to use video material from our pilot project to give practical examples and demonstrate situations that can occur in the classroom throughout the SHARMED activities. The videos showed the work of facilitators in this pilot project and could be used by our participating teachers to reflect on certain behaviours for their own performance in the classroom. We are looking forward to seeing the new insights being put into action soon.

MOOC course “Sharing Memories and Dialogue at School”

We are pleased to announce that the SHARMED MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) course - “Sharing Memories and Dialogue at School” is available online at This is an interactive training course – free of charge and open to everyone -especially but not only- to teachers and educators working in multicultural contexts. The course is available in Italian and English languages and soon also in German.  

Press conference

An ancient and beautiful room of the Modena City Council was the location of the press conference held by prof. Baraldi and dr. Iervese last 13th October to present the SHARMED project to the Italian press and media. Important stakeholders have been invited to attend the conference and to discuss on multicultural education, such as Gianpietro Cavazza vice Mayor of the Modena city, prof. Sergio Ferrari Pro-Rector of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, prof. Giovanni Bonifati -Director of the Department of Studies on Language and Culture, and prof. Brunetto Salvarani from the Regional School Office.
Watch the video interview at:

The SHARMED study

The study recently conducted by SHARMED within 12 classes of primary and lower secondary schools in Modena (IT) shows interesting preliminary results: more than 60% of pupils speak Italian very well, 40% of them use another language at home. Many pupils affirm having some problems with classmates (up to 50,2% for students with immigrant background) and only 26,5% in lower secondary schools say they have good relationships with teachers. Also parents have been involved in the study and showed great interest in the topic, with 384 questionnaires collected which represent an average of 32 per class. In such a context, it is particularly important to create a trustful atmosphere in the classroom by applying the specific techniques of dialogic facilitation, which is one element of the SHARMED approach. The analysis of the data obtained through the background questionnaire is still ongoing, and more results will be presented in the next issues of this Newsletter.  


With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive didactic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background. By integrating the context of each individual in the class, the pupils will be offered the opportunity to use photographs to narrate their personal and family memories.
Working with teachers, children and their parents/carers, SHARMED combines dialogue with intercultural education.
Are you a teacher, a pupil or a parent/carer?
In the Sharmed web-site there is a specific section for you. Just click here!


Università di Modena e Reggio-Emilia
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
University of Suffolk


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  SHARMED (Shared Memories and Dialogues)
Call for proposals (EACEA/33/2014) - Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015
Project nr. 562175-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
This project has been funded with the financial support of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the EACEA cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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