SHARMED is an action-research project:

“Action”: SHARMED brings about an innovative learning experience for more than 1000 children age 9-11  in three countries. 
Photographs or other visual materials will be used to trigger dialogue around personal, family, community memories, learning to approach diversity with respectful curiosity.

"Research":  the activities in the schools are accompanied by a research on children's perception of their peers, their teachers and their parents.
The research also concerns children's  approach to difference and diversity. The analysis of the classroom activities will enable further development of the pedagogical methodology  towards the promotion of intercultural dialogical interactions will be further developed.

As action-research, SHARMED has three aims:

1. To lead children to understanding that difference is not a stigma but something very natural and enriching. SHARMED aims to empower children's expression of their diversity and be open to the diversity of others;

2. To encourage teachers to take advantage of the diversity of their pupils, which is usually perceived as an obstacle rather than an opportunity. SHARMED wants to stimulate a change of perspective, inspiring teachers and supporting them in adapting the instruments developed by SHARMED to foster a more inclusive pedagogy.

3. To promote innovation in teaching practices, presenting the results of the evaluative research to different stakeholders.

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